
Inhofe, the Last Flat Earther

Bagua10/30/2009 1:22:25 pm PDT

re: #272 LudwigVanQuixote

Blah blah blah… try taking the arguments together. Your style of denbate lacks substance.

It is not a straw argument in science to bring the actual science Bagua. I am sorry it hurts your pride to be wrong.

It is not science to make straw man arguments such as suggesting that I am saying the CO2 does nothing. Not engaging your straw man arguments is not a logical fallacy, rather it is reason.

My “pride” is not hurt Ludwig and I’m not at all offended or upset, that’s your department. :)

This exchange further proves that your orthodoxy on your own personal AGW theory can not tolerate any dissent, even when that dissent represent the true scientific consensus.

It is a reasonable conclusion that you are arguing from faith and beliefs, not science. This is not an insult, rather it is an observation. Scientists are human as well.