
Bad Craziness at Newsmax: Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention

Killgore Trout9/30/2009 10:21:19 am PDT

Wow, this story was on Stormfront and Infowars yesterday. I thought it would be too crazy for the right wing blogs but I was wrong.
Michelle Malkin:
What’s happening in Hardin, Montana?

This is the strange story of how American Police Force, a little known company which claims to specialize in training military and security forces overseas, has seemingly taken control of a $27 million, never-used jail, and a rural Montana town’s nonexistent police force.

After arriving in this tiny city with three Mercedes SUVs marked with the logo of a police department that has never existed, representatives of the obscure California security company said preparations were under way to take over Hardin’s jail, which has no prisoners.

The secrecy has led to speculation that the deal is tied to President Obama’s search for Gitmo detainee housing alternatives in the U.S. Hardin jail officials expressed interest in accepting released Gitmo enemy combatants last spring.

There’s not enough info to determine what exactly is going on