
Rep. King: '100% of Islamic Terrorists Are Muslims'

Gavriel12/29/2009 6:35:28 pm PST

re: #243 Charles

That’s not what I asked you. The Declaration of Independence is not the US Constitution, and the Constitution contains language specifically setting up a wall of separation (in Thomas Jefferson’s words) between church and state.

True, it’s not what you asked me. I never said it was in the constitution, only that the founders said it (and they did). If rights are not from God, then they are only constructs of man. And men can be foolish. I also said (when asked) that there is religious and historical precedence for a right to male/female marriage.

Now out on a limb:
I think gay marriage as an institution would be destructive.
Completely aside from religious reasons.
And please no “what about rampant divorce, etc?”.
Just because my car is having trouble starting doesn’t grant license for it to be smashed with a hammer.