
Climate Change: Halfway There?

Pawn of the Oppressor4/29/2009 8:25:49 pm PDT

Climate change doesn’t have to be such a charged issue. It boils down to cleaning up our energy sources, increasing efficiency, and consuming less, which a sensible people should be doing anyway. There would also be plenty of added foreign policy benefits that don’t involve accolades from unelected suits speaking with accented english.

Unfortunately it’s become a club to beat people with. The right uses it to beat the left, and the greenie left uses it to beat everybody and take their money. As usual, the people who get truly screwed are the people who don’t count politically.
re: #204 Charles

Meanwhile, I’m pissed off tonight because I finally finished watching every episode of “The Sopranos” for the first time (yes, really!), and there’s nothing else even close to it on TV in terms of quality.

But that final episode. Damn. Ambiguity cubed.

Good series come and go. Most of them seem to be on HBO: Rome, The Wire, etc. I wonder what they’ll do next?