

LGoPs7/31/2009 3:42:12 pm PDT

re: #281 Russkilitlover

“Stimulus” sounds so good to a bureaucrat. Especially a Dem, but also too many Reps. It gives the appearance of actually helping, lending a boosting hand, using government resources to “drive” the economy forward. The only thing that drives the American economy forward is the initiative of the private sector. The risk takers, not the tax takers. It has been proven time and time again and it’s a lesson the Dems fail to even recognize, let alone adopt.

The Great Depression is the end all/be all for Dems. They want to look at all the “stimulus” jobs created by this vast public spending. They do not look at the reality that if not for WWII, our Great Depression economy would have languished in a debt-laden recession economy for decades (think the “Lost Decade” in Japan writ larger).

I recall a couple of ‘stimulus’ payments forced through by Democrats during the Bush administration. One of them consisted of $300 per perosn. I remember cause I got one. At the risk of sounding elitist, the only industry this handout stimulated was the pizza take out industry.
Nobody was going to go out and buy a car or a house or even an electronic device on that amount, let alone take the money and create jobs.
But I remember the democrats feeling very good about themselves. And it was all a bunch of bullshit.
I don’t have a fancy Harvard degree but I did learn a long time ago that I’ve never gotten a job from a poor man. God bless the poor man, but he’s not going to give you or me a job.