
An Irish Ghost Story for Halloween: "Henwick"

Ming500010/12/2023 2:27:01 am PDT

REBECCA SCHOENKOPF at Wonkette isn’t having any of the both-sides regarding the Hamas attack.

This Is Fucked, Y’all

I’m not really that Jewish. I could give two shits about Israel. Everybody knows Netanyahu’s an asshole.

And from that not-very-Jewish, non-zionist perspective I am telling you: If you don’t think you’re being a raging antisemite right now, the chances are you’re probably wrong.

There will no longer be any comments on any posts about Israel and Palestine. Because you — you in particular? just maybe, could be! — have decided it’s more important to “what about” than to just say “IT IS WRONG TO CHOP BABIES’ HEADS OFF.”

The whole post is on fire. I don’t follow Wonkette closely. I check in maybe once a week. I have contributed a few times and have today.