
Guitar Virtuoso Julian Bream: William Walton's Bagatelle No. 5

lawhawk1/27/2014 7:21:08 am PST

Men behaving badly by engaging in adultery or lewd behaviors is not the same as men seeking to require women to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds in order to obtain abortions.

It’s not the same as men requiring women to drive hundreds of miles to seek abortions.

It’s not the same sport. Not in this universe.

The GOP has been looking to impose all kinds of laws that are the kind of government intrusion so small that it fits way up in the lady bits.

It’s the GOP that has gone to great lengths to try and claim that marital rape doesn’t exist. Or that it shouldn’t be a crime.

It’s the GOP who have candidates claiming that a woman should just put an aspirin between their legs.

It’s the GOP that has pushed for no exceptions for abortion access, including rape or incest.

And moreover, it’s the GOP that cares for the fetus only so far as birth. After that, the woman and her family are on their own. Safety nets be damned (and dismantled). Opposition to ACA and health care access, even when they’re demonstrably necessary to save lives and reduce costs by catching ailments before they spiral into much more expensive conditions.