
Ted Cruz Is a Fan of the Stupidest Man on the Internet, Because of Course He Is

Franklin11/30/2015 8:18:04 am PST

OT: For those that recall I entered my American Wheat beer into a homebrew comp. Took 2nd place with a score of 34.

Here is what the score tiers look like:

Outstanding (45 - 50): World-class example of style.
Excellent (38 - 44): Exemplifies style well, requires minor fine-tuning.
Very Good (30 - 37): Generally within style parameters, some minor flaws.
Good (21 - 29): Misses the mark on style and/or minor flaws.
Fair (14 - 20): Off flavors/aromas or major style deficiencies. Unpleasant.
Problematic (00 - 13): Major off flavors and aromas dominate. Hard to drink.