
Guardian/Observer Publishes, Then Pulls New NSA Bombshell Story Featuring Birther Wayne Madsen

Dark_Falcon6/30/2013 7:59:32 am PDT

re: #284 b.d.

kos is fine. DailyKos is a mess, the entire staff, save two that agree with that thinking, has ceded the recent diary list and the comment section to the lunatics. Even kos doesn’t dare venture out of his own diaries.

Sometimes the Bad Craziness is simply too strong and the owners of a political site have to let it flood in or risk damming themselves off from their reader base. It’s been that time on the right for most of the Obama Administration, but the Snowden Affair has triggered a similar rupture on the left. Markos Moulitsas isn’t a crazy person, but his site depends on traffic from people who have for the time being gone crazy.