
The Latest Moronic Right Wing Racist Meme: The "Obama Phone"

kirkspencer9/28/2012 12:29:02 pm PDT

re: #284 jamesfirecat

Hey you can be a brony without needing to cosplay/invest in so much merch that you have no idea where to put it all. Same way you can be a fan of Starwars without needing to claim the prequels ruined your childhood and create hour plus long videos laying out every single detail why….

heh. and meh. Rather than telling why the prequels ruined your childhood, watch them in an intelligent order. (Called the machete order.)

IV, V, II, III, VI. I belongs in the same viewing folder as the cartoon and the Christmas specials - non-canon spinoffs.

It works, by the way, because II and III demonstrate that yes he IS Darth’s son because he’s following the same general path. Then VI redeems all of both threads.

And JarJar becomes a one-off background character like the canteen dancers, there are no midichlorians, there’s no really weird near-pedophilic love story, …