
Dr. Ben Carson Thinks the Earth Was Created 6000 Years Ago

majii4/01/2013 5:55:53 pm PDT

I am happy to know that the students and faculty of Emory are making their views on Dr. Carson known. I don’t expect his invitation to be rescinded though because after all, this is GA. I know this place well since I’ve lived here my whole life. The president of Emory and its’ board members will tread lightly on this issue for fear of the blow back they could receive from Ralph Reed and the other far right religious nuts here. I hope Dr. Carson does the right thing and cancels his appearance. These students don’t deserve to have a religious nut mar their graduation services after working for so long and so hard to earn the right to graduate. Some of my former students are graduating from Emory Medical School, and I’m quite sure they don’t want to hear the scrambled brain religious crap he’ll include in his speech to them. It would be one thing if he could separate his religious beliefs from his professional life, but it seems that he’s unable to do it. I think Hannity’s stroking his ego by having him appear so frequently on his program of late has given Dr. Carson the false courage to share his religious beliefs with the rest of us. The problem is that many of us don’t want to listen to his wacko crap. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. If the power brokers on the right think we blacks will vote for Dr. Carson because he’s black, they need to have their heads examined. We know when one of our own has no regard for anyone except himself. Dr. Carson is a selfish ass b*astard, and no amount of cloaking his views in religion can conceal this. I pegged him for being a selfish SOB the same way I pegged GWB, Romney, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, and the rest of the GOPers, inside and outside of Congress the first time I heard about the things he believes. IMO, no true Christian denies anyone else the same rights he/she has. For his comments about LGBTQ Americans, he should be considered persona non grata on every college campus in the country. I’m heterosexual, and he offended me with that shit. He may not care about how our fellow citizens are treated, but I and millions of others do. What disgusts me most about Carson is that he knows what it feels like to be discriminated against, and it turns my stomach that after becoming successful, he has the temerity to turn his back on others who are being discriminated against. People like Carson can say whatever they want to about President Obama, but the one thing they can’t say is that after finishing law school, he turned his back on others and took a job with a large Wall St. firm. He didn’t. He went to one of the most disadvantaged areas in the country to do community service—something that none of his detractors can claim to have done. I’d better stop here because I’m getting more upset at this man and his supporters as I type, and I don’t want to say the things that need/must be said about him on the internet in a public forum. I will say, though, that in spite of all of his career accomplishments, there’s nothing really unique or special about him if he can’t treat his fellow man the way he wishes to be treated.