
Seth Meyers: Trump Tweets Racist Attacks on Elijah Cummings Amid Investigations

Dr Lizardo7/30/2019 10:29:59 am PDT

re: #293 lawhawk

As horrific and appalling to contemplate as it would be, what do you think the public’s reaction would’ve been if uncensored crime scene photos were shown from the Sandy Hook Massacre?

There’s an argument out there that says that part of the problem is that the general public never really sees the horrifying consequences of gun violence and as a result, they sort of tune it out because they’re not confronted with the gory reality.

Of course, I know the argument against - there’s a lot of sick bastards out there who’d probably get off on such things. But overall, I think the Average Joe/Jane would be sickened beyond words - and just maybe, they’d demand action be taken.