
Thanksgiving Night Open

wrenchwench11/29/2013 11:40:21 am PST

re: #302 ObserverArt

Foodie tip. I’m munching on some tostadas. Tip is throw a handful of raisins in with the meat as you cook down the water and spices. They plump up a bit and they sure add a nice little sweet bomb to the spices. Mmmmmm.

My brother that lives in Tuscon turned me onto that years ago. I tell friends and most seem to go “ewww!”

I never understand why people have such set ways. Try them in some meat on the side. If you don’t like them, fine. But I bet most will like.

Of course, my one friend’s former wife never did try mole (dark chocolate and spices) sauce in El Pollo Mole. She couldn’t get her mind around chocolate being a spice (duh…what does it taste like without the sugar and milk?). It was okay…more for everyone else that tried it, and she had to sit there and hold her nose while everyone else chowed down once they tried it.

Chile powder in hot chocolate is practically standard around here.