
Pamela Geller Feebly Explains Edit: 'Stockpiling Weapons' is 'Self Defense'

boxhead7/31/2011 2:08:18 am PDT

re: #317 Sergey Romanov

> Maybe the dragon lady was trying to say is that ideological extremists, regardless of the belief, are just that, extreme.

Putting atheism together with racism is not close to what you wrote. Not by a 1000 miles.

Besides, then she would have to include Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism…

Yeah, Buddhism. Would you find it strange if she singled out Buddhists and put them on that list instead of atheists? I would. Though historically there were and are enough Buddhist assholes (e.g. old Tibet under Lamaistic theocracy was pretty bad). And I would also find similar excuses for her statement to be strange - “well, she must have meant those of Buddhists who are divisive militant assholes”.

> I guess I don’t understand the down dings on dragon

She put atheism together with racism. WTF is there to understand?

Let me rephrase, I was merely trying to offer an alternate interpretation. One that does not necessarily say her list implied all those in the list are equal. But rather, all those on her list, as well as the ones you listed, have been used by extremists to further their cause, or by crazies to do crazy.

To me, and I would be willing to wager you as well, racism is already extreme. Thus her list had unequal categories. And yeah, honestly, I must have glossed over that fact… *beer*….

I have been communicating with folks via computers since the mid 80’s. Writing a message that truly states what you want it to, to all, is not easy. Thus if I read something that I might find offensive, I try to break it down just to see if I am reading it wrong. I guess it is a nerd hobby of mine…. :)