
Shocka! Obama's Gaffes Noticed by Mainstream Media

Mich-again3/30/2009 8:24:51 pm PDT

re: #304 avanti

That was the one I was talking about. It got some press play at the time, but I didn’t think is was as big a deal as was made of it.

That wasn’t a gaffe. That was a joke on purpose. RR was trying to get a few laughs, its just that he didn’t know he was being taped. The words didn’t just “sneak out” like the Special Olympics comment from Obama did. Unless you think maybe in the middle of the interview Obama forgot he was being taped.

I blame Letterman. He is the world’s worst interviewer, worse even than Larry King. Every interview Letterman ever did, the object has been, how can I grab the spotlight from this loser that I have to share the stage with. Problem is, that was the same thought going through Obama’s mind at the time. He tried to outjoke Letterman.