
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): I'll Vote to Destroy the US Economy Tonight

darthstar5/31/2011 4:55:01 pm PDT

re: #326 Dark_Falcon

Sorry it took me so long to get in here (PC froze) but I do need to say that I would have voted the same way as Bachmann on this bill. I oppose a ‘clean’ raising of the debt ceiling. Tying an increase to spending constraints is key to bring the budget under control. I don’t want a default, but Republicans can’t role over on this either.

Roll over…nobody’s asking them to roll over. They’re only being asked to be honest and approach the discussion in a mature matter. The Democrats have proved time and again that they’re willing to compromise. Until the GOP stops seeing “giving an inch” as “rolling over” they’ll never be a serious part of our government again.