
John Oliver Calls Out the Key Factors of the Mueller Report: Incompetence and Disobedience

allegro4/22/2019 7:55:55 pm PDT

I think Nancy is playing the impeachment thing very well. Look at what’s happening: she stays firm (with caveats) that they aren’t talking impeachment. Nope. It’s driving folks outa the woodwork now to scream “Impeach!” More very day. The more she holds off, the more come out. Keep investigating hard but hold off on impeachment until she is righteously “begged” to do it and the public sentiment is behind it.

I want to see impeachment proceedings begin at the earliest in the late fall. Let it be televised and discussed over seriously lit holiday dinners. Let it be fresh and ongoing during campaigning before the Dem primaries where they can slam the GOP’s malfeasance over and over again. Make it impossible for Trump to successfully run again when it’s real damn late for the GOP to field a new candidate who has to run from behind in an impossible situation .

Dreaming is good huh.