
Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 8/27/15

BeachDem8/28/2015 11:11:56 am PDT

Just read the upchuck love letter to Trump. (ruined my appetite for lunch.)

A few thoughts (which is a few more than the “author” had):

1. For a guy who occasionally writes a blog post and/or a facebook rant, you’d think he’d have time to proofread his schlock and not print anything with so many glaring grammatical errors.

2. For a guy who occasionally writes a blog post and/or a facebook rant, he certainly knows some super influential folks (see also: vivid imagination)

Some of the wealthier individuals I know—a billionaire CEO here, a centimillionaire CEO there

Every political consultant I know is carefully observing the Trump effect

Trump’s next move should be to boycott the RNC debates and start our own with the only other interesting candidates. (our own? Is upchuck on Trump’s payroll already?)

3. The most hilarious section, to me, was this one:

Trump is listening to some of the best voices on immigration—Senator Jeff Sessions and Ann Coulter. (He should also be reading Brits-turned-American John Derbyshire and Peter Brimelow for some of the specifics.) He’s put forward the best immigration plan since Calvin Coolidge’s.