
New Poll Shows Overwhelming Opposition to Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

Dark_Falcon9/28/2015 6:38:03 am PDT

re: #22 lawhawk

The Senate isn’t the problem - the House will not produce a tax plan that is coherent. All the GOP wants to do is slice and dice federal revenues - slashing and burning revenues so as to force cuts to the federal budget.

The Senate knows that this is bad for everyone, so they’ll fight to restore things as much as possible, but the House is the source of the problem.

I’m sorry, I should have elaborated: It’s a good thing that the Senate won’t pass a tax bill that isn’t a compromise. Neither party has all the answers on taxes and compromise is needed for the government to function. Which is where things are breaking down over PP. Not that Planned Parenthood is itself responsible for the breakdown, because its not.