
Robert Stacy McCain's Latest Excuse

What, me worry?9/30/2009 1:21:56 pm PDT

re: #23 Kosh’s Shadow

He wouldn’t want kids exposed to other races, where they might (horror!) actually think mingling with them is acceptable.

BTW, my parents rented the upstairs apartment to an interracial couple, and I had more trouble figuring out what they had in common to talk about due to the fact he was older, and a machinist and she was a college professor, than i had with them being interracial.
Not that I find anything wrong with either profession; I just wonder what they’d talk about.

Years ago, I visited Denver, my first and only visit. I really fell in love with the city and I was quite shocked to see how hip it was. Natural food stores all over, cool clubs, lots of hipster-grunge-type young people. AND a whole lot of interracial couples. I mean noticeably so. Maybe it was just my timing, but I remember thinking how cool it was when I really expected it to be very white and conservative.