
A Far Right Plot to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Has Been Thwarted

Yeah Sure WhatEVs10/08/2020 3:40:15 pm PDT

re: #318 A Mom Anon

We have lost our sense of community, that’s the short answer. Just one example would be building entire neighborhoods with no sidewalks and front porches too tiny to hang out on and chat with the neighbors. That’s a physical manifestation of it, though it’s changing in some areas. The myth of the rugged individualist who built a company from the ground up all by themselves or the person who worked all the time and saved all their money and got that degree or whatever is a myth that should have died a long time ago. NO ONE gets where they are as a single, separate unit apart from the help and support of others.
And there’s shaming that goes on if you can’t do it without help. It’s fucked up and wrong and damaging. That’s the root of it, it makes it a lot easier to hate and create divides. Reality TV is also a reflection of this crap, it feeds off drama and anger and backbiting. Division shouldn’t be entertainment. We’re not invested in helping each other, that’s got to be fixed.

I’ve long felt the bullshit sold as reality TV drama is very harmful. That’s not something to emulate yet everyone wants to be the next Kardashians, which I understand because cha-ching. It’s not reality. It’s made up drama. And it’s absolutely nothing to aspire to.