
Misogyny Is a Winning Formula for Mike Huckabee

Birth Control Works1/29/2014 3:52:19 pm PST

re: #327 Justanotherhuman

“Really for a single mother of young children it would work well.”

That’s an appalling statement and one which singles out a demographic simply because they are more likely to be poor. I would rather see the fathers of those children have to pay for at least half of their support, something that wasn’t available to me, and isn’t to so many “single” mothers. Men should be made to live up to their responsibilities; women shouldn’t have to resort to selling their bodies in order to survive.

I was a “single” mother of 2. It would never have occurred to me to become a prostitute to support my kids—it would have been way beyond my set of values, not to mention putting myself in harm’s way. I did a few jobs that didn’t pay much money when I was younger, but I always was able to start from scratch more than once. I never accepted gifts from men, either. There was no quid pro quo when I dated someone. That was understood. I’d rather pay for my own meal or whatever and never see the guy again. It wasn’t that I was a prude—it was that I considered myself independent and sex was not to be some kind of “trade off” or “deal”.

I’d rather see a lot of things, but I deal in reality.