
Huckabee Granted Clemency to Serial Rapist

Bacchus's daddy11/29/2009 8:37:13 pm PST

Incidentally, I may have irritated some folks here the other night with my views vis-a-vis AGW. I apologize, and just to clarify: I don’t think altering the % of CO2 in the atmospere is good, and I think responsible measures to reduce CO2 emissions should certainly be undertaken. Where I differ is the extent to which I believe we know what the consequences of the emissions will be, and how corrupted/uncorrupted is the data which has driven the scientific consensus thus far. I keep abreast of science, but am no scientist, and will refrain from commenting on this issue further. I agree with most of you all on so many other things, and don’t want to quibble on this one- I believe my doubts have some basis, but also recognize that you all are intelligent folks with very reasonable bases for your own views. Thanks to Sharmuta for a great link, which I have to return to for further perusal.