
GOHMERT! "God's Hand of Protection Will Be Withdrawn" Because of Same Sex Marriage

austin_blue6/26/2015 7:43:21 pm PDT

So. Two huge news items. The Supremes capped off Big Week (google 8th Air Force Big Week for the reference) and the President spoke in Charleston.

As for the Supreme’s decision, the four losers, especially Roberts, gave extraordinarily lame dissenting opinions. The Court has ruled fourteen times establishing marriage and its civil protection as a Right. If that isn’t a subject for judicial review under the 14th Amendment’s requirement of equal protection under the law, I don’t know what is. For Roberts to claim that today’s ruling had nothing to do with the Constitution is just shite.

As for the President’s speech:

(NB- capitalization of God is to be nice.)

I don’t believe I’m one of God’s chosen. I don’t believe I’m one of God’s people. I am not a God-fearing person. I believe that I may or may not be one of God’s children. I don’t know. I’m a Deist.

What I do know is that the President’s eulogy today was really rather extraordinary. It was affecting on so many levels. My hat’s off to the man. He mentioned that the Christian religion and public service can be complementary, and that normally makes me cringe, but he placed it into a context of a Christianity that is based on lifting the least of us. If that is what Christianity becomes in this country, I’ll be a big fan of that philosophy. That would be what Jesus taught, and what has been so corrupted .