
Saturday Night Mahi-Mahi Open

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/27/2011 2:16:48 am PST

Uh oh, looks like Esther needs to get moving fast:

Even among GOP faithful, Palin’s star is fading

[…] Republicans still like her, but now they openly question whether she could or should be nominated for president, let alone elected.

At a recent gathering in South Carolina, the site of a crucial early presidential primary next year, party activists said the former Alaska governor didn’t have the experience, the knowledge of issues or the ability to get beyond folksy slang and bumper-sticker generalities that they think is needed to win and govern.

Many are shopping for someone else. They’re looking at Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., for example, and seeing what they call a smarter, more experienced candidate who’s equally as conservative.

Sarah Palin with a brain,” said Gail Moore, a Republican from Columbia.


Michele Bachmann is “smarter” than Sarah Palin?

That’s sort of like saying Mars is more hospitable to human life than Venus. That’s technically true, but ignores the fact that if you were transported to Mars right now you’d die within seconds.