
Overnight Ocean Thread

346 7:21:26 am PDT

re: #316 cenotaphium

May I ask why you sent your child to a Christian school specifically?
In Sweden, the only people you hear about wanting a religiously focused education are.. well, pretty nuts. You seem like a resonable sort however, which is why I am curious.

In at least some “Christian” schools (for instance the Catholic school my daughter attends), the education itself re: #329 cenotaphium

The part about public schools makes sense. However, surely there are more secular private schools than religious private schools?

Maybe it’s my idea of a religious school that’s warped? I keep imagining most topics influenced or described in relation to the religion, instead of just sticking to the facts.

is not “religiously focused” - the classes and courses are the same as what exists in public schools, but the day WILL include a “religion” class whereas there is no such thing in the public schools.