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No Malarkey!2/27/2016 7:50:14 pm PST

re: #351 Dark_Falcon

MacArthur wasn’t the type to stray, though he did live in the Waldorf-Astoria after leaving the Army. The suite he and his wife shared (and that she continued to stay in until she died a few years ago) was on the floor right below the suite occupied by Herbert Hoover, the man who had made MacArthur Army Chief of Staff.

A more relevant comparison is that while Donald Trump did somewhat well in a military-style high school, Douglas MacArthur graduated from West Point with no demerits, at the time one of only three cadets to accomplish that feat (Robert E. Lee was one of the other two). So looking at it from that angle Trump is left in the shade again.

I didn’t know that about MacArthur. So who was the third?