
Overnight Ocean Thread

Occasional Reader9/29/2009 7:25:32 am PDT

re: #344 cenotaphium

Paid to watch porn? Sounds like an exhausting job.

My Constitutional Law professor in law school had clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall, back at a time when the US Supreme Court was (basically) trying to figure out whether/to what degree pornography was protected free speech. During those days, as he put it, the Supreme Court was “awash in smut”, and he was treated to the spectacle of these mostly elderly Justices peering at absolutely disgusting porn films, while taking careful notes. He related how he’d call down to the archives, and say “Justice Marshall is requesting that you send up Exhibit #1211”, and the archivist would reply, “no, you don’t want THAT one… get Exhibit #2422 instead, that one’s REALLY hot!”.