
Ambassador Stevens's Family: Hillary Clinton Is Not to Blame for Benghazi

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/28/2016 9:27:18 pm PDT

re: #35 A Mom Anon

WTF is he doing? I cannot play video right now because the whole house is asleep and I can’t find my damned headphones. Or do I even want to know?

He’s a case study in why we need more mental health care and less stigma against those who need help. Which is not to be construed as any sort of compassion towards his creepy ass self.

Chuck has obtained what he says is the first draft of Obama’s book, Tales of My Father. He says he’s going to “scan” the book for DNA, so he’s wearing gloves so he doesn’t contaminate it — or something. Meanwhile, he’s breathing all over it and he drops it on the floor at one point.