
Video: Four Million Suns in a Black Hole over New York

silverdolphin3/19/2024 11:07:30 pm PDT

re: #31 William Lewis

It can be quite interesting, sometimes, to read books that are SF disguised by fantasy tropes 😉 Lois McMaster Bujold, Steven Brust & John M. Ford (RIP, miss you Mike) for example.

And the flip side of Bujold’s series - Poul Anderson’s Flandry series. The whole goal of Flandry is to maintain the old, corrupt order that keeps is life very pleasant. But all these SF space opera tropes intercede, causing complications. The stories show the collision of SF and fantasy as Flandry knows the empire must fall, he can recognize who will be running things after, and all he wants is to slow the fall a few more years.