
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel4/29/2010 4:23:30 am PDT

re: #30 sattv4u2

He best not be “brave” enough to venture outside the hallowed halls of Hahvahd Yahd!

There are some neighborhoods in close proximity that may not see the world as he does!

Interestingly, I was just reading this article about the extremely fucked-up hazing shit that Princeton fraternities do:

“Either it’s going to be through swimming through a lake and getting hypothermia, or it’s going to be from massive alcohol poisoning,” he said. “Eventually, somebody’s probably going to die.”

So there’s a bit of a fuss going on about this article now, but no one (AFAIK) is addressing an aspect I find particularly odd: (and the whole article is damn odd, with visits to strip clubs etc):

One senior, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, recalled his experience rushing Alpha Epsilon Pi, explaining that pledges were required to make trips to Philadelphia, where they had to complete tasks like peeing on the University of Pennsylvania’s famed “Split Button” sculpture or receiving a lap dance from a black stripper.

Pretty fucked up. For those who think Ivy League schools are havens of political correctness and affirmative action, uhhh….no.