
David Duke: Rep. Steve Scalise Is "A Fine Family Man"

lawhawk12/30/2014 7:49:06 am PST

re: #348 Mattand

While you’re here, if I may drag you off-topic: what’s the advantage of taking the PATH transit system out of the Port Authority and giving it to a third party?

The fact that this report got dumped on the Saturday night between Xmas and NYE raised an eyebrow or two here.

It’s the overnight thread, so no problem.

The fact that the plan got dumped in the holiday season and Cuomo vetoed the legislative reform package that would have gone in to effect had Cuomo let it sit on his desk shows that this is all about politics and optics, not about infrastructure or mass transit improvements.

Eliminating overnight service is a huge mistake for PATH. They’re considering spending more than $1 billion to extend PATH to EWR but want to save $10 million (if that) by shutting down overnight, even though overnight service is key for many who live in NJ and work in NY. It’d be a hit to the real estate values of those living near PATH in NJ since they’d lose overnight service. As it is, service is already limited, and PATH saw a hit due to shutting down on weekends for nearly a year.

It’s interesting to look back though at the history of PATH and how the Port Authority came to operate it; it was part of the deal for the PA to build the WTC in the first place and take over the existing rail service (H&M). It was never a great fit, and a far better fit would be to incorporate PATH into the MTA, which already operates the nation’s largest subway. There’d be a savings on purchases, benefits, and operating costs due to shared services. Incorporating PATH into NJ Transit wouldn’t realize nearly the same savings since they run incompatible services.

The real issue is that the Port Authority needs to divest itself of non infrastructure holdings - the WTC being first and foremost. Add to that rolling the PAPD into local law enforcement, which all provide similar services at a far cheaper cost per officer. Everything the PANY does is far more expensive than it ought to be.

We’re right back at 1999-2000, which was when the Port Authority entered into the 99 year deal with Silverstein to operate the WTC. Since 9/11, the Port Authority has fought to claw back as much from Silverstein as possible, and they essentially pushed him out of the 1WTC rebuilding. That was all about politics, as Silverstein has shown that he could rebuild swiftly (7WTC) and get tenants.

So much of the Authority’s current infrastructure projects are bound up in NY versus NJ; if NY gets money for airport rebuilding, NJ must get a similar amount for PATH extension, even though there are projects that are far more worthy.

The toll hikes also play into all this - as the toll hike fits neatly into the amount of cost overruns for the WTC PATH transit hub. So, for an agency that is suddenly cost-conscious about saving $10 million, they didn’t see a reason to cut billions in cost overruns on the PATH hub.

The focus of the Authority has to be put back on its rightful place - building and maintaining bi-state infrastructure. Building new capacity across the Hudson River, not taking over airports in Atlantic City or Newburgh. That’s what the agency needs to be, but it still remains a patronage mill. And we all suffer for it because they can’t move ahead with the critical tasks of building new cross-Hudson capacity.

Heck, with the PATH hub at WTC, you’re not getting a single new bit of capacity. It’s got the same track limitations as pre-9/11. And that’s to everyone’s detriment.