
The Commercial That Gave Kathryn Lopez the Vapors

renata39.52/27/2011 7:45:25 pm PST

I don’t know if this has already been noted (please forgive my lack of desire to read through all 368 comments. hahaha), so I’ll just post it anyway. I find it interesting that Ms. Lopez states in her article that she’d like to turn back the clock to some idealistic time when women weren’t promoting promiscuity. According to this article/study she’d have to go pretty far back. And based on my study of social history and literature, I don’t think she’s going to find that time. The ongoing socio-analytical problems caused by rose-colored glasses for the past and false fronts put up by Victorianism and then again by the Family-Friendly-Fifties never ceases to bother and slightly astound me.

Also, that commercial was ridiculously tame. I’m just struck by how pathetic it is for a woman to loudly decry the choices available for starting a family when a woman and her partner are ready and able. I never can get my brain around the idea that relegating both men and women to surprise children is somehow good for men, women, and children. *facepalm*