
VA State Senator Proposes Mandatory Rectal Exams Before Viagra Prescriptions

Petero18182/01/2012 8:56:08 am PST

re: #352 Gus 802

America. Where life is better than rural Pakistan.


I will never forget a conversation i had with a woman in a supermarket in Southern Cal. I was renting a home there for 2 months basically a holiday I took with my family after I sold a business. She was in line with me and reading the rags at the cash this was 6 months or so after the crash with Lehman Bros. She was complaining about the crash of the real estate market and this and that and the whole world crashing. I said to her that I was Canadian. That our market was strong as we did not have the same lack of banking regulations, and predatory lending practices. She looked me straight in the eye and said “well, at least in the US we have the kind of freedom that allows people to make a million dollars, I would still take that over Canada any day”. I literally laughed in her face. All this to say I don’t think the US education system is doing much to give an accurate portrayal of life in Canada, let alone China, India and Pakistan.