
RNC Open Thread Seven: Featuring Mitt

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce8/30/2012 8:33:58 pm PDT

If you watch “American Psycho” along with the Chris Nolan/Christian Bale Batman films, consider this:

Patrick Bateman and Bruce Wayne are actually the same guy.

But one of them exists only in the mind of the other, just like Jack and Tyler in “Fight Club”.

First, let’s assume Patrick Bateman is real. The events of “American Psycho” probably took place only in Patrick Bateman’s mind. If you imagine that the entire Batman universe is also a fantasy of Patrick Bateman’s, an entirely new range of possible interpretations appears.

Now, assume Bruce Wayne is real. Consider his chosen life. He’s a multi-billionaire by inheritance. The corporation that bears his name and supplies his for-all-practical-purposes limitless income is run by responsible people who knew his father. He has no real responsibilities in life. What he does have is unimaginable loads of anger and guilt. He could have anything. He really COULD live the life of a drunken, Russian model-screwing, spontaneously hotel-buying prima donna, but the only thing he’s really driven to do is to break the bones of those he considers deserving of it. He is motivated purely by rage which he rationalizes as a longing for justice. He is literally a terrorist, but his targets are generally criminals. Clearly, this is a deeply disturbed and irrational person. If you consider that “American Psycho” is simply something Bruce Wayne dreamed one night, and couple that with the fact that he fakes having a “perfect” life of billionaire debauchery — that he has no interest at all in those pleasures — as a cover for acting out his nocturnal psychopathy, then the Batman films become more interesting.

OH, NEVER MIND. The Willard Mechanism bored the shit out of me and I sorta just got to typin’.