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lawhawk3/01/2016 7:27:42 am PST

Coming home to roost. Feeding years of hate and anger has consequences. Breitbart, Rush, and the hate-radio stars have all led the GOP down the path to Trump.

Let’s not forget that the same GOP has no problem with Steve Scalise in a leadership post despite consorting with white supremacists.

Kansas’ Sec. State Kobach also consorts with white supremacists and he’s up to his eyeballs in creating model laws to deny women access to reproductive health care (TRAP laws) and limiting access to the polls, etc. through his involvement in ALEC.

Everywhere you turn, you find these bastards. It’s not hard to find them.

Trump’s just allowed them to scamper into the daylight. The establishment would much rather you not notice the hate and bigotry that underpins their strategies.