
Who Better to Mock the Ridiculous "Flat Earth" Movement Than Lewis Black? [VIDEO]

Joe Bacon ✅11/26/2018 5:08:47 pm PST

re: #371 HappyWarrior

Didn’t know that either! I do remember reading that Henry Wallace who famously challenged Truman from the left in ‘48 drifted right and later supported Ike’s re-election and later Nixon. I do give Wallace credit for admitting he was wrong about the Soviets. I have heard that my Pap-Pap, my Nana’s father hated Truman but my Dad’s cousin never explained whether it was for lefty or righty reasons. His family seems to be pretty liberal like ours is but I don’t know which way Nana’s other two sisters and her brother the priest leaned, though I have heard her brother was pretty liberal for his time not just racially but on theology too- he told his sister’s mother in law that she shouldn’t feel worried about attending a wedding in a Protestant church. No big deal to us now but you know how it was for Catholics and Protestants brought up in the 19th century.

Henry Wallace edited The New Republic in the 50s. At that time TNR was to the left of The Nation. Wallace continually blasted McCarthy and that’s why he drifted to backing Ike in 1956.