
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): I'll Vote to Destroy the US Economy Tonight

Dark_Falcon5/31/2011 5:46:54 pm PDT

re: #375 talon_262

Have you even read it or are you just dismissing it out of hand, simply because it’s from the Progressive Caucus? I’ll be honest, I did (mostly) read it and there was a lot that made sense and sounded good to me, but I’m not all that crazy about the military cutbacks part of the plan; I’d have to see a lot more detailed stuff on that, to be sure.

I dismissed it out of hand. National Review already reviewed it then panned it. I’m content to accept their analysis. It was the defense cuts, though, that set my mind in stone against it.

Also, I got someone with your nic who is following me on Twitter. Is that you?