
The Latest Moronic Right Wing Racist Meme: The "Obama Phone"

JamesWI9/28/2012 2:01:07 pm PDT

re: #388 Daniel Ballard

Well I’m not surprised at how the writer totally ignored the strongest point in defense if the “lie of the Year” moniker. It was the broadcast contention the Ryan plan who cut seniors already on the program.

The factcheckers seem to pass muster with the left every time they catch a GOP operative or Romney in some BS however.

They easily pass muster with the right when they catch some Dem operative or Obama out.

Take away the sour grapes and they hold up a lot better.

The point is more that the “Fact Checkers” go overboard on a few “liberal” statements in an attempt to “prove” to the right-wing that they aren’t partisan. Saying “The Republicans want to end Medicare” is the “lie of the year” is blatantly ridiculous, no matter what twisted justification they can come up with.

Another example that I pointed out a week or two ago was Politifact’s rating on whether Obama kept his promise to support the repeal of DOMA. They rated it as “PROMISE BROKEN!” even though their justification included numerous examples of the President supporting the repeal of DOMA. In the end, they rated it as “PROMISE BROKEN!” because his support hasn’t been successful….that is, Obama somehow broke his promise because Republicans wouldn’t even consider repealing it.