
Video: A Message From the Greatest Generation (NSFW)

Dark_Falcon10/31/2012 9:10:35 am PDT

re: #377 GunstarGreen

Sometimes, I get to feeling like this country could benefit greatly from a nice, hard teacher’s walk-out. Not for a pay raise or working conditions betterment, mind you, but to stop teaching until people stop treating teachers like shit.

Oh those horrible greedy teachers, indoctrinatin’ our chillen? Alright fuckwads, educate your own brats for five to ten years, and when they come out retarded and unable to perform basic functions in modern society, blame yourselves.

If I were a governor, I’d answer that with legal action to punish any teachers taking part for in such a wildcat strike in violation of their contracts allied to aggressive police enforcement for trespassing and disorderly conduct laws to handle picketers. I’d also see if such a coordinated labor action in violation of contract could be dealt with under my state’s version of RICO.