
GA Rep. Paul Broun Asked: 'Who Is Going To Shoot Obama?', Fails To Condemn Question

researchok2/25/2011 10:27:41 am PST

You know what I find fascinating?

In reading and rereading these exchanges and others, it occurred to me how some (not all) progressives are never wrong. In fact, a casual reader might get the idea that some progressives promulgate the idea that progressives and progressivism are perfect. Oh, they may pay lip service to the ‘we’re human’ meme but in the end it’s just that- lip service.

It’s funny there are a number of progressives here with whom I can have substantive conversations. Others, the moment even potential criticism is brought to bear, go into full ‘pivot and attack’ mode. I’m immediately the ‘enemy’ because I don’t agree.

It occurred to me that many progressives are the reverse side of the Tea Partyers.

Exactly the reverse side.