
VA State Senator Proposes Mandatory Rectal Exams Before Viagra Prescriptions

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin2/01/2012 9:09:11 am PST

re: #385 Gus 802

True. But we know what happens when we tear down a housing project and attempt to “reintegrate housing” within a city. The usual term is called gentrification of that area. I can very easily turn one of those same public housing “projects” and convert it into and upscale housing development complete with yoga rooms and dog parks. It’s a difficult situation all around. Not saying there isn’t a problem in either direction but that we’re still looking for answers.

Ugh, please don’t!

A neighborhood near me is once again undergoing that transition. I don’t mind pretentious new-/daddy’s-money hipster corridors, really. I just have a problem when they come to where I live and act like I’m the one with the problem because I won’t move out of their way when they’re on the sidewalk, pfft.