
David Duke: Rep. Steve Scalise Is "A Fine Family Man"

lawhawk12/30/2014 8:44:38 am PST

Sheesh, now John Gibson is going on about how Sharpton, Holder, and President Obama are launching a race war. Seriously. This is what he thinks?

Interpreting the demand for equal rights and protection under the law, seeking justice for people gunned down by cops under suspicious circumstances is launching a race war?

The sad fact is that whites feel threatened by the fact that blacks have made strides, and these right wingers need to retake what they feel blacks have gained, which is equality. And minorities are still a long way from equality - recent events show that to be undeniably true. So the fight for justice and equal rights continues.

But Gibson bleats on about Sharpton and race wars that exist only as a figment of his imagination.