
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

Diamond Bullet9/29/2009 3:24:45 pm PDT

Creationists are exhausting. The whole thing reminds me of the 2004 election, when an animatronic donkey that sang show tunes in Polish could have won the election over GWB — so who do the Democrats nominate? A Massachusetts Democrat who actually secretly met with the Viet Cong in Paris.

Upon hearing the news, a liberal friend of mine succinctly stated (through his hands) that “only a Massachusetts Democrat could lose this election.” Bingo. Similarly, if Obama continues to crater, unless we’ve all been nuked in the mean time the Republicans should have it just as easy — the only way they can screw it up would be to nominate a … Creationist theocrat. Don’t do it! There is a vast sea of moderates out there that just want a fiscal conservative who won’t also try to mandate that schools teach that the Earth is 5,000 years old and that fake dinosaur bones were embedded in sedimentary layers for future generations to find because God is one tricky S.O.B. Creationism is the biggest self-inflicted wound I’ve ever seen conservatives dish out, on top of, you know, being flat out retarded.