
Pamela Geller Makes Excuses for Supporting Nazis

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/30/2011 9:01:36 am PDT

This part is just a lie:

but discovered that the EDL was aware of neo-Nazi attempts at infiltration, and had a policy of expelling anyone who expressed any kind of antisemitic or neofascist sentiments.

Or rather, if they had such a policy, it was never enforced, and never meant to be. The guy who set up their website was a neonazi who recruited people for the 8/8 (a date chosen to honor Hitler) rally on Stormfront.

Now, Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon) ‘pulled out’ of the 8/8 protest after it became too obviously fascist, but in order to pull out of something, you’ve got to be in there in the first place. Nobody in this nationalistic, fascist area is ignorant of what 8/8 symbolizes. Nobody.

Nobody in the EDL was ignorant of the fact that it had its roots in the openly fascist BNP, either.