
Rachel Maddow interviews Tim Huelskamp about SOTU, Huelskamp Benghazis

Targetpractice1/29/2014 10:14:08 am PST

Poll: Huckabee Is Now The GOP’s Top Choice For 2016 After Libido Remark

Uncle Sugar has apparently provided Mike Huckabee with a polling bounce.

The latest survey from Democratic PPP released Wednesday showed the former Arkansas governor surging among Republican voters nationwide in the wake of his head-scratching comment about the female libido.

According to the poll, 16 percent of GOP primary voters said they would prefer to see Huckabee as the party’s presidential nominee in 2016, making him the top Republican in the field. Only a month ago, PPP showed Huckabee polling at 11 percent and trailing both New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) among GOP voters.