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🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈5/06/2024 12:04:04 pm PDT

In hindsight, it’s easy to see that people who work for Elon Musk should have started looking for something better back when he went nuts over the rejection of his stupid submarine idea. It’s been all downhill from there.

Tesla sends out another wave of layoff notices as employees enter 4th week of job cuts

Elon Musk continues to cut deeper at Tesla. The company sent out another round of layoff notices on Sunday night, according to impacted workers who posted about the cuts on social media.

The latest round of cuts mean that employees at the company are entering their fourth straight week of layoff notices. At least seven Tesla workers took to LinkedIn to say they’d received layoff notices on Sunday.

“After watching my team gradually slimmed down week after week since mid-April, I received the dreaded ‘Hello Employee’ email this Sunday afternoon,” one Tesla worker wrote on LinkedIn.
Another worker shared a screenshot of her layoff email on LinkedIn that showed her last day of work would be May 5.

A spokesperson for Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment ahead of publication.

Workers at the carmaker previously told Business Insider the continual waves of layoff notices had left them on edge, with many looking for opportunities outside of the company.

“I keep waiting for Elon to send another email and tell us they’re finally done firing people,” one current Tesla worker, who requested anonymity to speak on the conditions of their employment, said. “We need some level of closure or a sign that we can stop worrying about losing our jobs.”