
Breaking: Hillary Clinton Hospitalized After Blood Clot Discovered

Ace Rothstein12/31/2012 10:06:14 am PST

Take a wild guess where this derp came from…

1. Why do I feel this is just another stall tacit? I have become a real pessimist.

2. Anybody want to take bets on her miraculous recovery once Benghazi is past?

3. No doubt channeling Vince Foster ….

4. Check the medical licenses of the docs attending to her…they are complicit in a coverup!!!

5. It’s amazing how easily some here are captured by the devil that is liberalism. They see what has taken place in the last 5 years, and see nothing. The Arab spring did nothing but take down quasi allies, and replaced them with islamist that want our deaths. We see our embassies attacked and ambassador killed without raising a finger, no instead they ordered those that could help to STAND DOWN. Those two brave special forces men were killed by mortar fire when the over head drones were ordered to STAND DOWN even though the two were marking the targets with lasers. The lasers allowed the mortars to find them and they died. Treason? Stupidity? or politics? You liberals are all alike deaths mean nothing to you, no only your agenda.

Oh, for fuck’s sake…