
Saturday Night Mahi-Mahi Open

Nyet2/27/2011 7:50:11 am PST

re: #408 Jadespring

She’s also very ignorant for someone who has been “studying the Holocaust for 17 years”. Haavara agreement aside, if she just read the 1937 Herbert Hagen report on his and Eichmann’s visit to Palestine, he would see that this was the official position of the Nazi govt:

“Promotion of the Emigration of Jews from Germany. To further promote the emigration of Jews from Germany, the Jew Polkes proposed to make possible the emigration of 50,000 Jews per year with 1,000 Sterling per head, by means of an increase in the transfer of goods through Paltreu (Palaestina Treuhandstelle der Juden in Deutschland)* {*The German Office of the Ha’avara Company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine.} and “Nemico” (Near and Middle East Corporation). The goods would be sold in Palestine, Iraq, Turkey and in Peria. Immigration to Palestine would in this case be possible without the special consent of the English Mandatory government since Jews with 1,000 Sterling are considered as so- called capitalists.”

“Opinion This plan must be rejected by us for two reasons: (a) It is not our aim to have Jewish capital transferred, but rather, in the first place, to induce Jews without means to emigrate. Second, the aforementioned emigration of 50,000 Jews annually would in the main strengthen Judaism in Palestine, and considering that according to the policy of the Reich the establishment of an independent state of the Jews in Palestine should be prevented, this plan cannot be a subject for discussion.

(b) An Increase in the transfer of goods to the Near and Middle East would mean that these countries would be lost to the German Reich as ‘countries supplying foreign currency.’

Furthermore this would strengthen the ‘Ha’avara system’ (Jewish companies for the transfer of capital of Jews emigrating from Germany), which was nurtured by the Reich Economics Ministry and to which we are opposed.”