
Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison on Jan. 6 Charges

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/25/2023 11:12:53 am PDT

re: #12 Joe Bacon ✅

Well isn’t that special?

Man who parades AR-15 at school bus stop posted admiring remarks about Hitler

The person they interviewed at the end noted the bill only “punishes” people who legally obtain guns, while many crimes are committed using illegally-obtained guns.

I wish someone would push back on that brain-dead NRA talking point. Nearly every gun sold new was legally-obtained originally. It became an illegal gun because it was stolen (she mentions people leaving them in cars and having them taken in a robbery) or illegally sold.

Those would count as “failure to control your weapon” (especially with a stolen gun you didn’t report stolen because you don’t trust the gubmint). Loss of rights, jail or fines if appropriate.